The best Software plan

We care automations of your environment.

ERP Software 10% Discount
Advance Payment
  1. 100 Users :2Lks
  2. 1000 Users :4Lks
  3. AMC Yearly : 30%
ERP Software 15% Discount
Monthly Payment
  1. 100 Users : 50000(M)
  2. 800 Users : 400000(M)
  3. AMC Yearly :20000(Y)
BM-Inventory 0% Discount
Advance Payment
  1. Inventory : 7000
  2. Inventory(Stock) : 15000
  3. AMC(Y) : 1700
BM-RMS Software 0% Discount
Advance Payment
  1. Basic : 5000
  2. Basic(Stock) : 40000
  3. AMC(Y) : 15%
WebSite Design 2% Discount
Advance Payment
  1. Static WebSite : 8000
  2. Dynamic site : Requier.
  3. Hosting Domain : FixPrice
Top plan
Domain, Hosting
Advance Payment
  1. Domain : Fixrate
  2. Hosting : Fixrate
  3. SEO : perKeyword
  4. SMS : Perpackage
BM-HMS Software 10% Discount
Monthly Payment
  1. 100 Users : 30000(M)
  2. 300 Users : 85000(M)
  3. AMC(Y) : 20000(Y)
BM-JMS Software 15% Discount
Monthly Payment
  1. 100 Users : 25000(M)
  2. 1000 User : 200000(M)
  3. AMC(Y) : 50000

Deposite and withdrawals history

Help agencies to define their new business objectives and then create professional software.

Last deposite

Name Date Amount Currency
Admond sayhel Jan 02, 2020 $1000 Bitcoin
Jonshon Dec 12, 2019 $5000 USD
Hopper Dec 22, 2019 $4000 Ripple
Admond sayhel Jan 02, 2020 $3000 Bitcoin
Anjel july Jan 05, 2020 $500 USD
Lagisha Jan 12, 2020 $5000 Bitcoin

Last withdrawals

Name Date Amount Currency
Arnold Jan 04, 2020 $1000 USD
Jhon Abra Jan 07, 2020 $6000 USD
Lanisha Jan 13, 2020 $5000 USD
Gongales Jan 12, 2020 $2000 USD
Admond sayhel Jan 10, 2020 $1000 USD
Remond Jan 02, 2020 $3000 USD